
  • Categories (640)
  • Animal Protection (106)
  • Environment (84)
  • Humanitarian Aid (69)
  • Medical (64)
  • Children (59)
  • Culture and Education (57)
  • Disability (50)
  • Sport (42)
  • Social (37)
  • Charity (28)
  • Women (16)
  • Youth (11)
  • Professional (11)
  • Human rights (6)
  • German Doctors e.V.

    We provide a volunteer doctor operations in developing countries and help there, where the misery is part of everyday life. Whether HIV-infected persons, malnourished children or chronically ill people – our German Doctors help everyone who needs help.
  • Alliance Apnées du Sommeil

    Alliance Sleep Apnea is the daily with people suffering from sleep apnea to orient them in the course of care. Its mission is to improve knowledge, screening, treatment and lived experience of the adults and children involved.
  • Main dans la main et solidaires

    Hand in hand and in solidarity's mission is to improve the quality of life of children and his family to a hospital by the presence of volunteers and by sponsorship operations to improve the hospital environment and to encourage the presence of parents.
  • Coeur des Mamans - Priorité Prévention

    Coeur des Mamans- Priorité Prévention is an association created in January, 2018 by a group of volunteers affected in their close surroundings by the Cardio Myopathy Peri Partum period and keen to contribute to the prevention of this rare disease.
  • Aremacs

    L'Association pour le Respect de l'Environnement lors des Manifestations Culturelles et Sportives' goal is to limit the environmental impacts of events in social, cultural, and sports.
  • L'Alternative Urbaine

    Alternative Urbaine is an association of assistance to the social and occupational inclusion of employing people in a precarious situation and using the forms of inclusion innovative mixing culture and tourism.
  • SOLHAND - Solidarité Handicap autour des maladies rares

    Solidarité Handicap around rare diseases and a collective of associations and individuals affected by rare diseases and/or orphan around disability. The association is recognized of general interest.
  • Make-A-Wish France

    We realize the wishes of children, 3 to 17 years of age, suffering from severe diseases.
  • Ethic Ocean

    An environmental Association dedicated to the preservation of fisheries resources and marine ecosystems. Its mission is to create opportunities of change and to contribute to the implementation of sustainable practices.
  • Meles

    Created by Virginie Boyaval, this association, Meles, fights for the study, the rehabilitation and safeguarding of the badger european.