
  • Categories (640)
  • Animal Protection (106)
  • Environment (84)
  • Humanitarian Aid (69)
  • Medical (64)
  • Children (59)
  • Culture and Education (57)
  • Disability (50)
  • Sport (42)
  • Social (37)
  • Charity (28)
  • Women (16)
  • Youth (11)
  • Professional (11)
  • Human rights (6)
  • Imagine for Margo - Children without Cancer

    L’association Imagine for Margo mobilise les acteurs de la recherche et collecte des dons afin d’accélérer la recherche européenne contre le cancer des enfants.
  • Fondation Recherche Alzheimer

    La maladie d’Alzheimer est un enjeu de santé publique majeur et touche un nombre sans cesse croissant de personnes.
    Avec la mobilisation de tous, notre génération peut mettre Alzheimer K.O. en soutenant la recherche médicale !
  • EndoFrance

    EndoFrance is the first association against endometriosis created in France. His team of volunteers, his scientific committee recognized for his skills and his godmother Laetitia Milot, campaign to make known this disease.
  • Générations Cobayes

    Générations Cobayes is the movement of 18 to 35 year olds who raises awareness about the links between environmental pollution and chronic diseases. Their strength? The use of humor and the web to make positive and solution-oriented prevention!
  • Association Cassandra

    The Cassandra Association, non-profit and general interest, works throughout France to fight against childhood cancer around three missions: to fund research, help families, mobilize around gifts of life.
  • 1 maillot pour la vie

    Depuis 2000 l’association "1 Maillot pour la vie" s’engage avec la complicité de nombreux sportifs de haut niveau, à redonner sourire et espoir aux enfants malades, toutes pathologies confondues en organisant des actions dans les hôpitaux .
  • Solidarités International

    SOLIDARITÉS INTERNATIONAL is a humanitarian NGO committed to providing access to drinking water and sanitation for all. It helps people affected by conflict, epidemics and natural disasters.
  • Vision du Monde

    World Vision is a humanitarian NGO which provides assistance to the most vulnerable children. It is simultaneously in 6 critical areas to sustainably improve the living conditions of families.
  • Habitat et Humanisme

    For more than 30 years, in the face of exclusion and isolation, Habitat and Humanism, in favour of the housing, the insertion and the re-creation of social bonds.
  • ANDES - Association Nationale pour le Développement des Epiceries Solidaire

    Innover pour l’insertion durable autour d’une alimentation de qualité pour tous !