
  • Categories (640)
  • Animal Protection (106)
  • Environment (84)
  • Humanitarian Aid (69)
  • Medical (64)
  • Children (59)
  • Culture and Education (57)
  • Disability (50)
  • Sport (42)
  • Social (37)
  • Charity (28)
  • Women (16)
  • Youth (11)
  • Professional (11)
  • Human rights (6)
  • Agir et Vivre l'Autisme

    Agir et Vivre l'Autisme s'est donnée pour mission de transformer l'accompagnement des personnes autistes, de l'enfance à l'adulte, en conformité avec les recommandations de bonnes pratiques officielles, et de partager son savoir-faire avec tous le...
  • Sport dans la Ville

    Sport in the City is the main association for integration through Sport in France. Created in 1998, it accompanies the 6,500 young people from priority neighbourhoods, in their social and professional integration.
  • Ligue Contre l'Obésité

    The League Against Obesity is a national association recognized general interest, non-governmental. It has for mission information, prevention and accompaniment of overweight and obese people.
  • Association Montessori de France

    The Montessori Association of France, founded in 1950, aims to defend the natural laws of child development in line with the philosophy initiated by Maria Montessori and to develop the Montessori movement in France.
  • Alliance Française de Paris

    L’Alliance française de Paris est une association loi 1901 reconnue d’utilité publique, qui a pour mission la promotion et la diffusion de la langue française et des cultures francophones.
  • La Cloche

    La Cloche is a 1901 law association which develops projects aimed to change the perspective on the world of the street and encourages working together between neighbours, with or without a home, to build a more inclusive society
  • Association Skin

    SKIN is an experience to live, to share. Founded in 2012 in Paris, SKIN, Law 1901 association, helps women affected by breast cancer to reconstruct the way of artistic challenges and sports.
  • ENDOmind

    The association ENDOmind is to raise awareness of endometriosis which affects between 2 and 4 million French, to reduce the time to diagnosis, improving care of the sick and encourage the development of the research.
  • La Marmite

    La Marmite est un accueil de jour, lieu de prévention santé et chantier d'insertion en restauration.
    L'association lutte contre la précarité et l'isolement en distribuant des repas chauds.
  • Collectif Citoyen Handicap

    The Citizens ' group Disability Work in the field of disability, offering support and a listening ear for people with disabilities and their families.