
  • Categories (640)
  • Animal Protection (106)
  • Environment (84)
  • Humanitarian Aid (69)
  • Medical (64)
  • Children (59)
  • Culture and Education (57)
  • Disability (50)
  • Sport (42)
  • Social (37)
  • Charity (28)
  • Women (16)
  • Youth (11)
  • Professional (11)
  • Human rights (6)
  • Règles Élémentaires

    Règles Élémentaires est la première association française qui lutte contre la précarité menstruelle
    Sa mission est double : organiser des collectes de dons dans toute la France et sensibiliser le grand public pour briser le tabou des règles
  • Marion la main tendue

    Detecting, understanding and preventing school harassment, violence and cyberbullying are the missions of Marion La Main Tendue, an association created by parents and members of the entourage of victims of bullying at school.
  • Entourage

    Entourage is the network of those who have no network! The association fights against the loneliness of homeless people by encouraging residents to "dare to meet" with them and reorganize neighborhood solidarity via its mobile application.
  • Accès Culture

    Access to Culture is working in collaboration with more than 100 theatres and opera houses in France to establish accessibility services in the performing arts for people who are blind, partially sighted, deaf or hard of hearing.
  • Jaccede

    "Depending on my mobility, which places can I access?" Jaccede informs people with reduced mobility about the accessibility of the places (wheelchair, accident, elderly, parents with stroller ...), thanks to a participatory and free application.
  • ExtraLouise

    ExtraLouise's mission is to change society's view of people with Down Syndrome; it promotes their inclusion in society: through image, the dissemination of messages or support for projects.
  • CanceratWork

    CanceratWork is a network of companies committed with an objective : to balance illness and work and to change attitudes and practices within companies
  • Secours populaire français - Fédération de Seine-Maritime

    Aider 25 000 personnes en difficulté sur le plan alimentaire et vestimentaire et les accompagner dans le domaine de la santé, de l'éducation, des vacances et des loisirs.
  • Femmes ici et ailleurs

    Femmes ici et ailleurs spread the culture of gender equality and gender diversity on a daily basis through awareness-raising and education activities. The association is also active in highlighting exceptional women, too often forgotten.
  • Hope n'Down

    Hope n'Down est une association de parents (d'enfants avec ou sans pathologies) et de professionnels qui souhaitent permettre au grand public de mieux connaître la Trisomie 21 et les autres différences , ainsi que de créer un réseau de solidarité.