
  • Categories (640)
  • Animal Protection (106)
  • Environment (84)
  • Humanitarian Aid (69)
  • Medical (64)
  • Children (59)
  • Culture and Education (57)
  • Disability (50)
  • Sport (42)
  • Social (37)
  • Charity (28)
  • Women (16)
  • Youth (11)
  • Professional (11)
  • Human rights (6)
  • La Nuit du Handicap

    The Night of the disability organizes every year in June a great evening in a festive and user-friendly, free, and open to all, on the public squares of France, to facilitate the encounter between able-bodied and disabled, and to change society.
  • Fédération Jumeaux et Plus

    Jumeax et Plus, 40 years at the service of families! 80 associations, 800 volunteers, a Scientific Committee accompany families of twins, triplets and more from the announcement of pregnancy and throughout the education of children.
  • Dans ma rue

    Nous luttons contre l’isolement des personnes sans-abri et développons un lien social basé sur l’écoute et le dialogue depuis quatre ans dans les 13ème et 15ème arrondissements de Paris.
  • Initiatives et Changement (I&C)

    For each person to find his place in a divided society, I&C is for citizen involvement, especially among young people, as well as the intercultural dialogue.
  • Colosse aux pieds d'argile

    The association Colossus with feet of clay has the mission of prevention and raising awareness of the risks of crimes around children, and hazing in the sports environment, the training of professionals, support and assistance to the victims.
  • Osez le Féminisme !

    Dare Feminism ! is an association created in 2009 which aims to raise the level of feminism in the society and contribute to advancing the rights of women and equality between women and men in attitudes and in practice.
  • Up Sport ! Unis pour le sport

    Up Sport ! States for the sport, non-profit association under the 1901 law. Our objective : to foster and promote inclusion through sport by making it accessible to the most disadvantaged and vulnerable.
  • APEX

    L’association APEX est à l'écoute des victimes de violences conjugales, des personnes auteures et des témoins de ces violences.
    L'équipe accueil, écoute et soutien les femmes, enfants et hommes en prise avec ces violences. Elle propose également ...
  • Proxité

    Proxité is an association for the success of the youth and the development of the social link, thanks to the sponsorship of young people, mostly from priority neighbourhoods, as early as the 6th, by volunteers from around the world of work.
  • Forum Français de la Jeunesse

    Le Forum français de la jeunesse (FFJ) s’est créé le 20 juin 2012. Il vit par la volonté des principales organisations gérées et animées par des jeunes. Celle de voir, en France, la jeunesse prendre la parole afin de faire avancer le débat public.